ACATER: supplied food provisions, such as a ships chandler
ACCIPITRARY a falconer or keeper and tamer of hawks
ACCOMPANT: an accountant
ACCOUCHEUR / ACCOUCHEUS: one who assisted women in childbirth
ACCOUTREMENT MAKER / ACCOUTRE: a supplier of military accessories
ACRE-MAN / ACKERMAN: a man who ploughed or cultivated the land
ACTUARY: a statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums
AGENT: a person who acted on behalf of a company or another person
AGRICULTURIST: a person involved with land cultivation or animal husbandry
ALABASTERER: one who worked with alabaster
ALCHEMIST: a medieval chemist who claimed to be able to turn base metals
into gold
ALE DRAPER: an ale-house keeper
ALE TASTER: an English officer appointed in every court leet, and worn
to inspect ale beer, and bread, and examine the quality and quantity within
his precints
ALE TUNNER: a person employed by the brewery to fill ale casks called
"tuns" with ale
ALEWIFE a woman who keeps an alehouse or tavern
ALL SPICE: grocer
ALMONER: an officer who distributes charity or alms; by ancient law
every monastery was to disperse a tenth of its income in alms to the poor,
and all bishops were obliged to keep an almoner
ALMSMAN: a person supported by charity or one who lived on alms
ALNAGER: official who examined the quality of woolen goods and stamped
them with the town seal of approval
AMANUENIS: one who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript
AMBER CUTTER: a person who cut ambergris
ANCHOR SMITH: one who made anchors
ANCHORESS: a female hermit or religious recluse
ANCHORITE: a person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons
ANKLE BEATER: a young person who helped to drive the cattle to market
ANNATTO MAKER: a person who worked in the manufacture of dyes for paint
or printing
ANTIGROPELOS MAKER: a person who made waterproof leggings
ANVIL SMITH: a person who made anvils and hammers for blacksmiths
APIARIANA: beekeeper
APOTHECARY: a druggist
APPRENTICE: one who was bound to a skilled worker for a specified time
to learn a trade
APRONMAN: a laboring man; a mechanic
AQUAVITA SELLER: liquor seller
ARBITER: a witness or judge
ARCHER: a person skilled in using a bow and arrow
ARCHIATOR: a physician
ARCHIVIST: one who keeps historical records
ARGOLET: a mounted bowman
ARKWRIGHT: a skilled craftsman who produced "arks" (wooden chests or
ARMIGER: one entitled to bear arms, such as knight or esquire
ARMOURER: one who made suits of armour or plates of armour for buildings
or ships
ARPENTEUR: a land-surveyor
ARTIFICER: a blacksmith; one who makes fuses, grenades, shells, etc.
ARTISAN: a skilled tradesman
ASHMAN: a dustman [from the chimney]
ASSAY MASTER: a person who determined the amount of gold or silver to
go in coins
ASSAYER: one who examines characteristics (weight, measure or quality)
to determine a value
AUGER MAKER: one who made the carpenters augers for boring holes in
AULNAGERr: See Alnager
AURIFABER / AURIFEX: a goldsmith
AVENATOR: a hay and forage merchant
AVOWRY: term for the lord of the manor
AXEL TREE MAKER / AXEL TREE TURNER: one who made axels for coaches and
BACKMAKER: a person who made "backs", vats, tubs, a Cooper
BACKSTER: originally, a female baker; later, a baker of either
BACK'US BOY: kitchen servant
BADGER: a licensed pauper who wore a badge with the letter "P" on it
and could only work in a defined area; a corn miller or dealer; an itinerant
food trader
BADGY FIDDLER: a boy trumpeter in the military
BAGMAN: a travelling salesman; one who shows samples and solicits order
for a manufacturer
BAGNIOKEEPER: a person in charge of a bath house or brothel
BAILIFF: [1] a court attendant entrusted with duties such as the maintenance
of order in a courtroom during a trial; [2] an official who assists a British
sheriff and who has the power to execute writs, processes, and arrests;
[3] (chiefly British) an overseer of an estate; a steward
BALISTER: a cross-bowman
BAIRMAN / BAREMAN: pauper, beggar
BALANCER: a person employed in the coal mines to operate the "balance"
which is a slope with a pulley at the top where empty coal tubs pulled
full tubs up the slope
BALER: one who bales of hay
BALLAD MONGER: one who sold printed ballads on the street
BALLAST HEAVER: a person who loaded ballast into the hold of empty ships
BALLER UP: a person who assisted the potter by measuring out the balls
of clay
BAND FILER: a metal worker in the gun making industry
BANDSTER: one who binds sheaves after reapers during a harvest
BANG BEGGAR: [slang] a constable who carries a strong staff
BANKER: a person who dug trenches and ditches to allow drainage of the
land, placing the surplus earth in banks around the edge
BANKS MAN: [1] an overseer at a coal mine; [2] a bank manager
BANQUETER: a broker or banker
BARBER-CHIRUGEON - a person who praticed surgery and was a barber; in
the 18th century an Act was passed that limited Barbers to hair-cutting,
shaving, dentistry and blood letting
BARD: a poet or minstral
BARGEMAN: one who worked on or owned and operated a barge
BARKEEPER: a tollkeeper
BARKER: a tanner
BARKMAN: a bargeman
BARM BREWER: a person who made yeast
BARREL FILER: a person employed in the gun manufacturing industry
BARTONER / BARTON: a person in charge of the monastic farm, also known
as a barton
BASIL WORKER: a person who worked with sheep and goat skins
BASKETMAN: person who made baskets and furniture from wicker; one employed
to empty the basket of coal being offloaded from the colliers into the
BATHING MACHINE PROPRIETOR: one who owned and hired the changing huts
used at the seaside in the 18th and 19th centuries by bathers
BATMAN: an officer's servant in the army
BATTLEDORE MAKER: a person who made the beaters used on clothes, carpets,
etc. to remove the dust
BAWD: a procurer or procuress for a house of prostitution
BAXTER: a baker
BAYWEAVER: one who wove bay, a fine woollen fabric also known as baize
BEADLE: a town crier or warrant officer; a lowly parish officer appointed
to keep order in church, punish petty offenders, and act as a servant or
messenger of the parish
BEAMSTER: the man who works at the beam in a tannery
BEAVER: one who made felt used in hat making
BEDMAN: a sexton
BEDDER: [1] an upholsterer; [2] one who takes care of the breeding or
birthing of cattle; [3] a bed-maker
BEDWEAVER: a person who made the webbing for bed frames, also a person
who wove quilts
BEESKEPMAKER: beehive maker
BEEKEEPER / BEEMASTER: a person who raised and kept bees for their honey
BELL FOUNDER: one who makes bells
BELL HANGER: the person who installed bells in churches
BELLMAN: a town crier employed to make public announcements in the streets
BELL RINGER: one in charge of ringing the town's church bells
BELLOWFARMER: person responsible for the care and maintenance of the
church organ
BELLOWS MAKER: a person who made bellows used for organs or blacksmiths'
BELLY BUILDER: a person who built and fitted the interiors of pianos
BENDER: a person who cut leather
BERNER: a man in charge of a pack of hounds
BESOM MAKER: one who makes brooms
BIBLIOTHECARY: a librarian
BIDDY: female servant usually of Irish stock
BID-STAND: one who bids travelers to "stand and deliver"; a highwayman
or robber
BILL POSTER: a person who put up notices, signs and advertisements
BINDER: one who bound items such as books
BIRD BOY: aperson employed to scare away birds from crops
BIRD CATCHER; a person who caught birds for selling
BIRDS NEST SELLER: a person who sold birds nest collected from the wild
complete with eggs; these were then hatched by domestic birds and sold
as pets
BLACKING MAKER: a person who made polish for shoes
BLACK BORDERER: a person who made black edged stationery for funerals
BLADESMITH: swordmaker or knife maker
BLEMMERE: a plumber
BLOCKCUTTER / BLOCKER: a person who made wooden blocks used in the hat
trade; a person who laid down the blocks on which a ships keel was laid
BLOCK MAKER: a person who engraved the blocks used in the printing trade
BLOCK PRINTER: a printer who used wooden blocks for printing
BLOODLETTER / BLOODMAN: the person who used leeches for letting blood,
thought to be a cure for many ailments
BLOOMER: a person who produced iron from ore
BLOWER: [1] a glass blower; [2] a person who operated a "blowing machine"
used to clean and separate fibres in the textile trade; [3] a person who
operated the bellows at a blacksmiths
BLUESTOCKING female writer
BLUFFER: a landlord
BOARDING OFFICER: one who inspected ships before entering port
BOARDWRIGHT: a carpenter
BOATMAN: a person who worked on a boat, predominately on rivers and
canals; boat repairer
BOATSWAIN: an officer in charge of the sails and rigging
BOBBER: [1] a person who polished metals; [2] person who helped to unload
fishing boats
BOCHER: butcher
BODEYS MAKER / BODY MAKER: a person who made bodices for womens garments
BODGER: a craftsman who made wooden chair legs and the spars
BOILERMAKER: one who worked with metal in any industrial setting
BOILER PALTER: a person who made rolled iron plate used to make boilers
for steam engines
BOLTER: a person who sifted meal
BONDAGER: a female worker on a farm who was bonded
BONDMAN: a person bonded to a master for the purpose of learning a skill
or trade
BONE BUTTON TURNER: a person who made buttons using a lathe
BONE LACE MAKER: one who made pillow lace
BONE PICKER: See Rag Picker
BONESETTER: A person who set broken bones
BONIFACE: an innkeeper
BOOK GUILDER: one who decorated books with gold leaf
BOONMASTER: a surveyor of roads with the responsibilities of maintaining
and repairing the road
BOOT-CATCHER: the person at an inn whose business was to pull off boots
BOOTBINDER: one employed to operate the machines which bound footware
BOOT CLOSER: an employee who worked in the shoe trade stitching together
all the parts of a shoe upper
BOOTHMAN: a corn merchant
BORLERA: a person who made cheap coarse clothing
BOTCHER: a cobbler; a tailor; an unkillful laborer
BOTTILER / BOTTLER: a person who made leather containers for holding
liquids such as wine flasks or water bottles
BOTTLE BOY: a pharmacist's assistant
BOWLER: [1] a person who made bowls and dishes; [2] one who made the
rounded part of spoons before casting
BOWLMAN: a dealer in crockery
BOWYER: [archaic] a person in the bow trader; an archer
BRABENER: a weaver
BRACHYGRAPHER: a person who writes short hand
BRAKEMAN / BRAKESMAN: a person who operated the winch at the pit head;
a person who operated the braking mechanism on trains and trams
BRASIATOR: a brewer of ale
BRASS FINISHER: one who polished brass goods
BRASS CUTTER: a person who made copperplate engravings
BRASS FOUNDER: one who cast brass
BRAYER: a person who ground things up in a mortar
BRAZIER: one who works in brass
BREACH MAKER: a person who made the breach for guns
BREWSTER: a female brewer
BRICKBURNER / BRICKMAKER: a person who used a kiln to make bricks
BRICKMAN / BREAKMAN: a bricklayer
BRIDEWELL KEEPER: the person in charge of a lock-up or jail
BRIDGEMAN: toll keeper at bridges
BROADCLOTH WEAVER: a person who operated a wide loom
BROAD COOPER: a person employed as a go-between for the brewery and
the innkeepers
BROGGER: a wool merchant
BROOM DASHER: a dealer in brooms
BROOM SQUIRE: one who made brooms from birch
BROWDERER / BROIDERER: an embroiderer
BROWNSMITH: a person who works with copper or brass
BUCK WASHER: a laundress
BUCKLER / BUCKLESMITH: a person who made buckles
BUCKLE TONGUE MAKER: a person who made the metal points that go in the
holes of a belt
BULLWHACKER: a bullock or oxen driver
BUMBOAT MAN: one who met ships at anchor, with goods for passengers
and crew to purchase
BUNTER: a rag and bone woman
BURLER: one who dresses or readies cloth for sale by removing flaws,
knots, or imperfections
BURMAIDEN: [also BOWERMAIDEN] - a chambermaid or lady in waiting
FACTOR: a commissioned agent; one who sells goods for another in his
own name and receives a commission
FAGETTER: a person who made up faggots into bundles; seller of firewood
FANNER: one who winnows (separates the chaff from the grain by means
of air movement) grain with a fan
FARRIER: a blacksmith or horse-shoer
FASHIONER: one who fashions or forms anything, especially clothing
FEATHER-BEATER: one who cleaned feathers
FEATHER-DRESSER: a person who cleaned and prepared feathers for sale
FEATHERMAN: a dealer in feathers and plumes
FELLER: a woodcutter
FELLMONGER: one who removes hair or wool from hides in preparation for
leather making; a dealer in animal skins and hides, especially sheepskin
FELTER: a worker in the hatting industry
FERRER: a smith who works in iron
FISH FAG: a woman who sells fish
FLAX DRESSER: one who prepared flax prior to spinning
FLESHER: [1] a butcher; [2] one who works in a tannery
FLESHMONGER: one who deals in flesh; a pimp
FLETCHER: a maker of and dealer in bows and arrows
FLOATER: a vagrant
FLUSHERMAN: a person who cleaned out water mains
FLYING STATIONER: a street broadsheet seller
FOGGER: [1] a peddlar who carries small wares from village to village;
[2] a low-class lawyer; [3] a middleman in the nail and chain trade; [4]
an agricultural laborer who feeds cattle
FOOT-BOY: a servant or attendent in livery
FOOT-MAIDEN: a female attendant
FOOTMAN: a servant who would run errands among his other duties
FORGER: blacksmith
FORESTALLER: one who buys goods before they come to market with the
intention of raising the price
FOSSETMAKER: a person who made faucets for ale-casks
FRAME SPINNER: a worker on a loom
FRINGEMAKER: one who made fringes or ornamental borders of cloth
FRIPPERER: one who buys and sells old clothes
FRISEU: a hair dresser
FRUITERER: a person who buys and sells fruit
FRUITESTERE: a female fruit seller
FULKER: a pawnbroker or money lender
FULLER: a person who fulls cloth by increasing the weight and bulk of
fabric by shrinking, beating, or pressing it
JACK: a young male assistant, sailor, or lumberjack
JACKSMITH: a maker of lifting machinery
JAGGER: a carrier, carter, peddler or hawker; in mining, a man who carries
ore on a pack-horse from a mine to the smelter; a boy who has charge of
the jags or train or trucks in a coal mine
JAKES-FARMER: one who emptied cesspools
JOBBER: [1] a person who buys in quantity and sells to individual dealers;
[2] one who works by the job or does piecework; [3] a person who works
in an official capacity and is dishonest, using the office for his own
JOBMASTER: Supplied carriages, horses and drivers for hire
JOINER / JOYNER: a carpenter who does interior finish work by joining
pieces of wood
JONGLEUR: an itinerant minstrel
JOURNEYMAN: one who served an apprenticeship and was no longer bound
serve a master
JOUSTER: hawker or peddler of fish
KEDGER: a fisherman, or one who peddles fish
KEELMAN: a bargeman
KEMPSTER: a wool comber
KIDDIER: [1] skinner; [2] dealer in young goats
KNACKER: [1] one who makes harnesses; [2] one who buys old horses and
sells the flesh for dog meat, etc.; [3] one who buys and wrecks old houses
and sells the various parts
KNELLER: a chimmney sweep who solicited customers by knocking on doors
KNOCKKNOBBLER: a person whose duty it was to chase dogs out of church
if they became a nuisance
KNOLLER: bell toller
LACEMAN: a dealer in lace
LACEWOMAN: a lady's maid
LAGGER: a sailor
LANDS JOBBER: one who buys land on speculation and sells it to others
LANDSMAN: an inexperienced sailor
LAND WAITER: a customs official who examined, weighed, and took account
of goods that had just been landed (off a ship)
LASTER: one who works or shapes shoes on a last [the mold of the human
foot made of wood and used to shape shoes]
LATTENER: a maker of or worker in latten, a mixed metal of yellow color,
either identical with or closely resembling brass
LAUNDER: a person who washes linen
LAVENDAR: a washerwoman
LEECH or SAWBONES: physician
LEIGHTONWARD: a gardener
LIGHTERMAN: one who owns or is employed on a lighter, a large flat-bottomed
barge used to unload and load ships where the water is too shallow for
the ships to dock
LIMNER: one who illuminated books or parchments; one who paints or draws
LINENER: a linen draper; shirtmaker
LINKERMAN: a person who carried a link or torch to guide people through
city streets at night for a small fee
LISTER: one who kept a list of persons being taxed and their property
LITSTER: a dyer; one who dyes fabrics
LOADSMAN / LODESMAN: a pilot of a ship or boat
LOBLOLLY BOY: a ship's doctor assistant
LOCK KEEPER: overseer of canal locks
LONGSHOREMAN: one who works on the waterfront loading and unloading
LORESMAN: a teacher
LORIMER: a maker of bits and metal mounting for horse bridles, generally
a maker of small ironware and a worker in wrought iron
LUNGS: a servant whose duty was to blow the fire of an alchemist
NAVIGATOR: a laborer digging canals and later, railways
NECESSARY WOMAN: servant responsible for emptying and cleaning chamber
NECKER: a worker responsible for the feeding of cardboard into the machine
that makes boxes
NEDELLER: one who makes needles
NETTER: a net maker
NIGHT SOILMAN: one employed to empty cesspits, ashpits and backyard
NIGHTWALKER: a watchman or bellman
NIMGIMMER: doctor, surgeon, or apothecary
NOB-THATCHER: one who makes wigs
OCCUPIER: a tradesman
OILMAN: a person who sold the oil for lamps
OLITOR: a kitchen gardener
ORDERLY: a non-commissioned officer or private in the miitary service
assigned to look after the needs of superior officers or to carry orders
or messages
QUILLER: a person who operated a machine that wound yarn onto spools
QUILTER: a person who quilted material
QUISTER: one who bleached things
RAG CUTTER: someone who cut up rags into small pieces to be used for
making paper
RAG GATHERER: usually children, employed to clear the rags from the
machinery in the mills
RAG MAN: a person who went from street to street collecting and selling
old clothes and rags
RAG AND BONE MAN: one who went from street to street with a cart and
collected any old rubbish
RAG PICKER: a person who sorted through the leftover rags to find reusable
RATONER: a rat catcher
REDSMITH: goldsmith
REVENUER: taxman who enforces tax laws on liquor
RIGGER: one who worked with the rigging of a ship
RIPPER: a person who brings fish inland to the market
RIVERMAN - unlicensed employee of a river boat, such as agent, barker,
bartender, clerk, cook, deck hand, etc.; usually does not refer to the
owner, master, mate, or pilot, however, it is not always the case
RODMAN: a surveryor's assistant who carries a leveling rod
ROPER: a rope or net maker
ROVER: an archer
RUGMAN: rug dealer
RUNNER: [1] a smuggler; [2] a messenger, collector, or agent
SADDLER: one who made saddles, harnesses, horse collars, bridles, etc.
SADDLE TREE MAKER: one who made the frames for saddles that the saddler
SALOONIST: a saloon keeper; one who promoted the idea of having saloons
for drinking
SALTER: a maker of and ealer in salt; a drysalter
SANDESMAN: a messenger, envoy, or ambassador
SAPPERS AND MINERS - soldiers who belonged to the engineer corps whose
duty was to make trenches or saps
SARTOR: a tailor
SAWYER: one who cuts timber into logs or boards
SAY WEAVER - a weaver of say, a cloth of fine texture resembling serge
SAYER: a poet
SCAVELMAN: one who kept the waterways and ditches clear
SSCHRIMPSCHONGER: one who carves bone, ivory, etc. into pieces of art
SCRIBE - an official clerk transcriber; one who copied manuscripts before
printing was developed
SCRIMER: a fencing master
SCRIPTURE READER: A person employed by the local clergy to go from house
to house reading parts of the bible to try and encourage people to attend
church;also read scriptures during some services
SCRIVNER: a clerk or notary; formerly, a moneylender; a broker
SCULLERY MAID: a female servant who performed all the menial tasks
SCULLION: a male servant who performed all the menial tasks
SEALER: an inspector who was elected by the town to put his "seal" or
stamp of approval on items he inspected, tested and certified
SEARCHER: one who is employed at a custom-house station to inspect incoming
goods; a customs-man
SEEDSMAN: one who deals in seeds; a sower
SEMI LORER: a person who made leather thongs
SEMPSTRESS: seamstress
SEWSTER: a seamstress
SHANTY-MAN: a lumberman
SHARECROPPER: a person who would farm ground owned by another, and divide
the crops or the profits with the owner
SHEARER: one who removed the fleece from sheep
SHEARGRINDER: one who sharpened shears, scissors
SHEARMAN: one who shears cloth, metal, etc.
SHEATH MAKER: a person who made scabbards for swords
SHEEPMAN: a person whose business is raising sheep; a sheepherder
SHEPSTER: a female pattern cutter; a dressmaker
SHINGLER: a roof tiler who used wooden tiles or shingles
SHOESMITH: a cobbler; one who shoed horses
SHIP MASTER: the owner or commander of a ship
SHIPWRIGHT: a carpenter skilled in building and repairing ships
SHOE-FINDER: a person who sells shoemakers' tools and appliances
SHOE-WIPER: a servant whose duty it is to clean shoes
SHORESMAN: a person who makes his living on the shore in the fishery
business; a shore-gunner
SHRAGER: a person who trimmed and pruned trees
SILK THROWSTER: a person who winds, twists, spins, or throws silk fibers
in preparation for weaving
SILVER SMITH: a person who worked with silver
SKEPPER: a person who made and sold beehives
SKINKER: a tapster; one who draws ale
SKINNER: one who deals in animal skins; a mule driver
SLATER: one who slates roofs
SLOP SELLER: a person who sold cheap, ready-made garments
SMELTER: [1] one who works in a smelter melting down ores; [2] a fisherman
who fishes for smelts
SMITH: one who makes or repairs metal items
SNOBBER: a shoemaker or cobbler
SNOW WARDEN: a person whose duty was to make sure the snow was evenly
dispersed on the streets so the sleigh runners could move easily
SNUFFER MAKER: one who made the candle snuffer for putting out or "snuffing"
SOAPBOILER: a soap-maker
SOJOURNER CLOTHIER: a traveling clothes salesman
SOUTER: a shoemaker
SPALLIER: a tin works laborer
SPERVITER: a keeper of sparrow hawks
SPICER: a grover or one who deals in spices
SPINNER: one who spins yarn
SPLITTER: one who operated a splitting machine or who split things by
SPOONER: a person who made spoons
SPURRIER: a person who made spurs
STAMPMAN: a person who works with an ore-crushing stamp mill
STAPLER: a dealer in various goods
STATIONER: a bookseller; one who sells paper, quills, ink stands, pencils,
and other writing items
STAY MAKER: a corset maker
STEERSMAN: the helmsman of a ship
STEP BOY: one employed to help passengers to enter or leave a coach
STEVEDORE: a workman employed either as overseer or laborer in loading
and unloading the cargoes of merchant vessels
STEWARD: a person entrusted with the care and management of another's
estae or household
STITCHER: one who sews, decorates with stitching, etc.
STOCKINGER: one who kints, weaves, or deals in stockings
STONE CUTTER: one who cuts and dresses stones
STONER: a person who cuts stones
STONEMAN / STONEWARDEN: a surveyor of highways
STONE PICKER: one hired to remove the stones from the farmers' fields
before planting
STONE WORKER: one who worked with stone such as masons or quarriers
STRAW JOINER: a person who thatched roofs
STREAKER: one who prepared the body for burial
STREET CLEANER: a street sweeper
STRINGER: a person who made the strings for bows
SUCKSMITH: a person who made ploughshares
SURVEYOR: one who determines the boundaries, area, or elevations of
land or structures on the earth's surface by means of measuring angles
and distances, using the techniques of geometry and trigonometry
SUTLER: a person who followed an army camp peddling provisions and supplies
SWAIN: [1] a herdsman; [2] a servant; a young man who was a knight's
SWAMPER: [1] a laborer who clears roads in a swamp or forest; [2] a
person who does odd jobs in a saloon
UPHOLDER: upholsterer and also a seller of secondhand goods
UPHOLSTERER: one who finished furniture by putting on the padding and
UPRIGHT WORKER: a chimney sweep
VALET: amale servant who attended a nobleman or gentleman
VATMAN: [1] a person employed in the paper making industry to put the
paper pulp into the moulds; [2] a person who worked with vats in beer and
wine making
VERGE MAKER: a person who made the spindles used in clocks and watches
VERRIER: a glazier
VERSER: a versifier; a poet
VICTUALLER: a grocer
VINTAGER: grape farmer, wine maker
VINTNER: a wine merchant
VIRGINAL PLAYER: one who played a musical instrument similar to a harpsichord
WAFERER: one who made and sold wafers or thin unleavened cakes
WAGONER: a driver of a wagon; a carter
WAINWRIGHT: one who built or repaired wagons
WAITMAN / WAKEMAN: night watchman
WALKER: a cloth-worker
WALLER: [1] a person who built walls either brick or dry stone; [2]
one who worked making coarse salt
WANTCATCHER: a person employed to catch moles
WARDER / WARDEN: a person in charge of prisoners
WARPER: [1] one who set the warp thread on the looms; [2] one employed
to move boats by hauling on the warps (the ropes attached to the boats)
WARRENER: a person in charge of a portion of land used for breeding
rabbits and other small game
WASHMAN: a person who applies the wash (or coating) of tin when making
WATCH FINISHER: a person employed to assemble watches and clocks
WATCHMAN: one whose job it was to guard the streets at night
WATER BAILIFF: an official in charge of the fishing rights on a stretch
of water; a river policeman or in coastal towns a customs official
WATER CARRIER: a person who carted and sold fresh water
WATER GILDER: a person who trapped water fowl
WATER LEADER: a person who carts water for sale
WATERMAN: person who worked with or on boats usually on rivers
WATTLE HURDLE MAKER: a person who made a type of fence from wattle to
keep the sheep, i.e. construction of poles intertwined with twigs, reeds,
or branches
WAY-MAKER: a person employed to make roads
WAY MAN: surveyor of roads
WEATHERSPY: an astrologer
WEBBER: a weaver
WEEDER: a person employed to remove the weeds from the gardens of the
WEIGHER: a person employed on the docks to weigh the cargo as it was
WELLMASTER: one in charge of the local well with the responsibility
of ensuring clean water for the village
WELL SINKER: a person who dug wells
WELLWRIGHT: a person who made the winding equipment used to raise the
bucket in a well
WET GLOVER: a person who made leather gloves
WET NURSE: a woman employed to suckle the child of another
WETTER: [1] a person employed to dampen paper during the printing process;
[2] a person in the glass industry who detached the glass by wetting
WHACKER: one who drives a team of oxen, horses, etc.
WHARFINGER: the person who owned or managed a wharf
WHEELER: [1] a wheel maker; [2] a person in the textile industry that
attended to the spinning wheel; [3] a person who led the pit ponies that
pulled the tubs underground in the mines
WHEELWRIGHT: a person who repairs and makes wheels and wheeled vehichles
WHEERYMAN: a person in charge of a wheery (a small, light rowing boat)
WHIPCORD MAKER: a person who makes whips
WHIPPERIN: one who handled the hounds in a hunt
WHITEAR: a cleanser of hides
WHIT COOPER: one who made barrels from tin
WHITE LIMER: a person who plastered walls using lime and water plaster
WHITENING ROLL MAKER: a person who made the whitening used in whitening
walls of cottages
WHITENER: a person who bleached cloth
WHITE SMITH: a maker of utensils in tin, especially dairy utensils
WHITE TAWER / WHITTAWER: a saddler, harness-maker
WHITEWING: a street sweeper
WILLOW PLAITER: one who made baskets
WINDER: in the textile industry, a person who transferred the yarn from
bobbins onto cheeses or into balls ready for weaving; in the mines a person
who operated the pulley or winch
WINDSTER: a silk winder
WIRE DRAWER: one who made wire from metal by drawing the metal through
various size holes in a template
WOODBREAKER: one who made wooden water casks
WOODRANGER / WOOD REEVE: a person in charge of the forest or woods
WOOLCOMBER: one who operates the machines that separate the fibers ready
for spinning
WOOL DRIVER: one who brought the wool to market
WOOL GROWER: sheep farmer
WOOL SORTER: a person who sorted the wool into different grades
WOOLSTED MAN: a seller of woollen cloth
WOOL WINDER: one who made up balls of wool for selling
WORSTED MANUFACTURER: a person who made worsted
WRIGHT: a skilled worker in various trades, i.e., shipwright, wheelwright,
cartwright, etc.