Gregory Central
Richard Gregory m Agnes West
son Roger (b 1729 K.Wm. Co VA died 1803 m 2. Fanny (Garland) Lowry
son Herbert Gregory (1777/1834 m Lucy Osborne Thweat 19 Nov 1821
Mecklenburg Co VA
son Dr. Francis Roger Gregory (1807/1854 Granville Co NC m 15 May
1832 Meck.Co VA Nancy Alexander.
"Biographical Note
Francis Roger Gregory was originally a merchant in Petersburg VA. He
left Petersburg to study medicine at the Univ. of PA in 1827. After
graduating in 1828, he settled in his native Meck.Co VA where he was a
physician and tobacco planter until 1840 when he moved to Granville Co
NC where he continued to practice medicine and plant tobacco from the
1840s to 1850s.
Gregory had at least three brothers, William O. Gregory (m Mary B.
Alexander 6 Oct 1826 Meck.Co VA)
James H. Gregory m 14 Dec 1832 Meck.Co. VA Lucy Puryear
Herbert Gregory
and a sister Martha.
William O. was a tobacco planter in Meck.Co. and a partner in W. O. & R.
H. Gregory, a general merchandising concern in Waterloo NC:
R. H. Gregory was the ward of Francis Roger Gregory.
James Gregory studied medicine with a private doctor in 1824 and with
his brother in Philadelphia in 1827.
Herbert was a grocery merchant in Petersburg around 1831.
Martha P. Gregory m James E. Bacon (20 Jun 1825 Meck.Co. VA) and lived
in Nottoway Co VA.
Francis Roger Gregory m Nancy Alexander and had at least three children:
William H., Francis Roger Gregory, Jr. and Martha.
Francis Roger, Jr. was a surgeon in the 12th, 23, and 38 NC regiments
during the Civil War.
In 1872 Martha m Nelson McPherson Ferebee (1849/1917) the son of Dennis
Dozier Ferebee & Sarah R. McPherson of Camden Co NC; served aboard the
U.S.S. Indiana and the U.S. flagship New York during the Spanish
American War.